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The Power of Mouthwash

Bottle of mouthwash and toothbrushes

We all know that a good oral hygiene routine should include brushing and flossing, but what about mouthwash? Mouthwash is a great tool to give your entire mouth an extra clean and prevent harmful oral conditions. Read on to learn the top five benefits of mouthwash.   1. Reduces Plaque   Did you know toothbrushes only clean […]

It’s Oral Cancer Awareness Month!

Dentist examining the teeth of a happy patient

April is oral cancer awareness month. In 2022, approximately 54,000 patients were diagnosed with oral cancer. Any cancer that develops in the oral cavity, which consists of the tongue, lips, gums, inner lining of the cheeks, and roof of the mouth, is considered oral cancer. We look for signs of oral cancer and pre-cancer at […]

What Causes Dry Mouth

Young man smiling confident looking to the side at street

We all know the annoying feeling of dry mouth when we are dehydrated. Your mouth feels as arid as a dessert, your tongue sticks to your cheeks, and swallowing is almost an impossible task. Fortunately, most people can alleviate this feeling by taking a few sips of water. However, if you are frequently experiencing dry […]